FarU Scientific Supervisors

Biological sciences

piosik jacek

Family name,

First name:



biological sciences


Laboratory of Biophysics

Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology

University of Gdansk and Medical University of Gdansk

Research expertise ​(up to 100 words)

Laboratory of Biophysics deals with studying various nanoparticles and ​biologically active low molecular weight compounds, including anti-​cancer drugs, antibiotics, environmental mutagens and carcinogens, ​toxins, and substances with chemopreventive properties. The main ​goal of these studies is to develop optimal systems for anticancer ​drug transport and action modulation, which may lead to an increase ​in their effectiveness against cancer cells while reducing their side ​effects.

Keywords (3 to 5)

nanoparticles, anticancer drugs, modulation of drug activity, fullerene ​C60, non-covalent aggregates

Scientific ​achievements:

Prof. Jacek Piosik is the head of the Laboratory of Biophysics at the ​Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology. He is the co-author of about ​50 publications in well-recognized scientific journals, and the ​supervisor of 4 finished PhD theses and 2 in progress.

Researcher unique ​identifier:

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