FarU Scientific Supervisors
Biological sciences
Meissner Wlodzimierz
Family name, First name: | MEISSNER Wlodzimierz |
Discipline | biological sciences |
Affiliation | Univeristy of Gdańsk Department of Vertebrate Ecology & Zoology, Ornithological Unit |
Research expertise (up to 100 words) | I lead research teams on the migration of shorebirds across the Baltic coast and on ecological aspects of wintering waterbirds in the Gulf of Gdansk. We have created a waterbird and shorebird ringing team that has collected a huge amount of data on the migration directions and strategies of various species over 40 years. My research is also concerned with the ecological and behavioural aspects of birds residing in urban environments, particularly during the wintering period. |
Keywords (3 to 5) | bird migration, synurbization, waterbird ecology, shorebirds, wildfowl |
Scientific achievements: | Leader of several research projects, including a large-scale citizen science project. - 105 published scientific articles in Impact Factor journals, including Science. - Co-author of the bird ringing station manual - Author of the method for assessing fat scores in shorebirds. |
Researcher unique identifier: | |
URL for web site: |
moura andre
Family name, First name: | MOURA Andre |
Discipline | biological sciences |
Affiliation | Department of Evolutionary Genetics and Biosystematics University of Gdańsk |
Research expertise (up to 100 words) | My research is focused on wildlife ecology and evolution using a combination of methodological approaches. My taxonomic expertise is in Cetaceans (whales and dolphins) and most of my past publications have been based on genetic/genomic methods. However, I have also participated in animal distribution studies and ecological niche modelling, and increasingly on morphological shape analyses. I am particularly interested in the interaction between genetics, anatomy/physiology and ecology, and how it determines species habitat choice and evolutionary survival. |
Keywords (3 to 5) | Genomics, Mammals, Geometric Morphometrics, Cetacea, Evolutionary Ecology |
Scientific achievements: | I am particularly interested in the interaction between genetics, anatomy/physiology and ecology, and how it determines species habitat choice and evolutionary survival. My main approach is to correlate genetic/morphological variation with ecological factors, with particular emphasis on functional genes and signals of natural selection. |
Researcher unique identifier: | |
URL for web site: |
Wojczulanis-Jakubas katarzyna
Family name, First name: | WOJCZULANIS-JAKUBAS Katarzyna |
Discipline | biological sciences |
Affiliation | Department of Vertebrate Ecology and Zoology Faculty of Biology University of Gdańsk |
Research expertise (up to 100 words) | I am a behavioural ecologist, interested in various aspects of animal behaviour (parental care, mate choice, foraging efficiency, communication, personality, behavioural response to environmental changes). In my research I focus on birds (mostly seabirds). |
Keywords (3 to 5) | parental care, behaviour, birds |
Scientific achievements: | Over 100 scientific publications, on avian (behavioural) ecology. Leader of several research projects, including a large-scale citizen science project. - 105 published scientific articles in Impact Factor journals, including Science. - Co-author of the bird ringing station manual - Author of the method for assessing fat scores in shorebirds. |
Researcher unique identifier: | |
URL for web site: |