FarU Scientific Supervisors

Chemical sciences

Kot-wasik Agata

Family name,

First name:



chemical sciences


Gdańsk University of Technology

Faculty of Chemistry

Department of Analytical Chemistry

Research expertise ​(up to 100 words)

Scientific activity of mine is focused on searching for and developing ​new analytical methodologies. My main interests include modern ​analytical techniques, with particular emphasis on combined ​techniques, and among them, ultrafast high-performance liquid ​chromatography combined with mass spectrometry, tandem mass ​spectrometry and high-resolution mass spectrometry come to the ​fore. At the same time, I have an experience in sample preparation ​techniques for chromatograhy and metabolomis.

Keywords (3 to 5)

High resolution mass spectrometry; hipheneted techniques; ​metabolomis; sample preparation for chromatography

Scientific ​achievements:

According to Scopus: 118 publications with 4120 citations (IH = 35). I ​managed 3 successfully completed projects. Up to now six PhD ​students prepared their PhD theses under my supervision, and most of ​them had distinctions.

Researcher unique ​identifier:

URL for web site:


Family name,

First name:



chemical sciences


Gdańsk University of Technology

Research expertise ​(up to 100 words)

Natalia Lukasik obtained her PhD in 2016 from Gdańsk University of ​Technology., Poland. She completed a post-doc internship at the ​Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil, in 2022, working on chemical ​hydrogen storage. Currently, she is an assistant professor at the ​Department of Process Engineering and Chemical Technology at ​Gdańsk Tech. Her research activities are focused on obtaining sorption ​and catalytical materials, with a particular interest in catalysts for ​hydrogen production.

Keywords (3 to 5)

adsorption, cyclodextrin-based materials, catalysis, chemical ​hydrogen storage, Metal-Organic Frameworks

Scientific ​achievements:

H-index: 8 (Scopus) Number of publications: 20 Citations without self-​citation: 252 (Scopus) Chapters in reviewed books: 1 (Elsever) ​Presentations during conferences: 24 Member of Polish Chemical ​Society Reviewer for international journals: International Journal of ​Hydrogen Energy, Chemical Enrineering Journal, Cellulose, RSC ​Advances, Analyst

Researcher unique ​identifier:

URL for web site:

nowak Andrzej

Family name,

First name:

NOWAK Andrzej


chemical sciences


Gdańsk University of Technology

Research expertise ​(up to 100 words)

Synthesis and characterization of electrode materials for lithium- or ​sodium-ion batteries i.e. polymer ceramic derived materials (SiCN, ​SiCN), carbons, and transition metal oxides and sulhides - postdoc at ​TU Darmstadt and at KTH in Stockholm in a field related to energy ​storage materials - principal investigator in the first project devoted to ​lithium-ion batteries at GUT - co-investigator in 3 international projects ​- supervisor of 3 PhD students (currently)

Keywords (3 to 5)

electrochemistry, energy storage materials, anode, cathode, lithium-​ion batteries, sodium-ion batteries

Scientific ​achievements:

The most valuable research for me is devoted to encapsulation of Sn ​nanoparticles, obtained by PLA technique in liquid, in water solution of ​gelatine followed by a carbonization step. It was for the first time that ​a cheap source of carbon was used as a carbonaceous matrix to ​embedded tin nanoparticles in LIBs.

Researcher unique ​identifier:

URL for web site:

Stankowski Michal

Family name,

First name:



chemical sciences


Associate professor

Department of Polymers Technology

Faculty of Chemistry

Gdansk University of Technology

Research expertise ​(up to 100 words)

General research interests comprise polymer chemistry at the ​polyurethanes, nanocomposites and graphene derivatives. Special ​focus is placed on the polymer nanocomposites modified with ​reduced graphene oxide (RGO), shape memory (SMP) properties of ​these systems and human motion energy harvesting nanogenerators.

Keywords (3 to 5)

nanocomposites; graphene; self-healing polymers; shape memory ​materials; polyurethanes

Scientific ​achievements:

(Web of Science 2023): number of papers published in journals from ​the JCR list: 54, Sum of Times Cited without self-citations: 1162, H-index: ​18.

Researcher unique ​identifier:

URL for web site:

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