FarU Scientific Supervisors

Civil engineering and transport

abramski marcin

Family name,

First name:



civil engineering and transport


Gdańsk University of Technology

Research expertise ​(up to 100 words)

I am interested in experimental investigation of concrete-filled tubular ​(CFT) columns. The tubes are made of FRP (CFFT columns) or concrete ​(CFST columns). The experimental results are then utilized to ​determine load-carrying capacity of the columns. Mathematical ​models of columns under compressive force are created. The ​research is focused on slender columns with proportions ​corresponding to real columns used in the contemporary civil ​engineering. The load is applied axially or eccentrically.

Keywords (3 to 5)

concrete structures; composite steel and concrete structures; ​columns; Fiber-Reinforced Polymer; concrete-filled tube

Scientific ​achievements:

Number of publications: - Web of Science (WoS): 8 - Scopus: 11 ​Citations (excluding self-citations) - WoS: 59 - Scopus: 77 Hirsch index: ​- WoS: 4 - Scopus: 4

Researcher unique ​identifier:

URL for web site:

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