FarU Scientific Supervisors

Earth and related environmental sciences

caban magda

Family name,

First name:



Earth and related environmental sciences


University of Gdansk

Faculty of Chemistry

Department of Environmental Analysis

Research expertise ​(up to 100 words)

The scope of Dr. Caban's expertise is mainly research at the ​intersection of environmental chemistry and analytical chemistry. At ​work, he undertakes research on the fate of drugs in the ​environment, their toxicity, transformations and methods of ​disposal. It uses techniques of instrumental trace analysis, ​chromatography, and mass spectrometry. She led projects on the ​development of analytical methods, passive extraction of polar ​analytes from water, assessment of the impact of drugs on ​cyanobacteria and the use of atmospheric plasma to remove ​contaminants in water.

Keywords (3 to 5)

pharmaceuticals, cyanobacteria, mass spectrometry, ​chromatography, ecotoxicity

Scientific ​achievements:

PhD degree in 2013, postdoctoral degree in 2019; H-index 25; ​Publications: 89; Citations: 2,448; Scientific grants: as leader 4, as ​main contributor 4. Coordinator of two work packages in EU grants. ​Since 2018 Head of the Environmental Analytics and Monitoring Team, ​University of Gdańsk

Researcher unique ​identifier:

URL for web site:

Lukawska-Matuszewska katarzyna

Family name,

First name:



Earth and related environmental sciences


University of Gdańsk

Research expertise ​(up to 100 words)

Biogeochemical nutrient cycling, processes at the sediment-water ​interface, processes in sediments as a source of alkalinity in ​seawater

Keywords (3 to 5)

marine biogeochemistry, marine sediments, eutrophication

Scientific ​achievements:

Principal ​investigator of several research projects, records of ​scientific publications in peer-revied journals

Researcher unique ​identifier:

URL for web site:

sokolowski adam

Family name,

First name:



Earth and related environmental sciences


University of Gdańsk

Research expertise ​(up to 100 words)

structure and functioning of marine food webs, trophic transfer of ​contaminat pollutants in the marine environment, effects of ​environmenatl factors (natural and anthropogenic) on marine ​macrobenthic fauna at different levels of biological organisation

Keywords (3 to 5)

food webs, trophic transfer, effects on benthic fauna

Scientific ​achievements:

Records of scientific publications in peer-revied journals, principal ​investigator of a number of research projects and programmes, ​interntaional collaboration with European research and educational ​institutes

Researcher unique ​identifier:

URL for web site:

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