FarU Scientific Supervisors

Health sciences

grzybek maciej

Family name,

First name:



health sciences


Institute of Maritime and Tropical Medicine

Medical University of Gdansk

Research expertise ​(up to 100 words)

I am a parasitologist holding a professor position at the Institute of ​Maritime and Tropical Medicine of the Medical University of Gdansk in ​Poland. I specialize in parasitology and rodent-borne diseases. My ​interests include parasite ecology, host-pathogen interactions and ​emerging infectious diseases. I lead national and international ​research projects focusing on biodiversity, intrinsic and extrinsic ​factors influencing parasite prevalence in rodents and searching for ​novel vector.

Keywords (3 to 5)

parasites, zoonotic diseases, parasite ecology, rodent-borne ​diseases

Scientific ​achievements:

I lead national and international research projects. I received the ​British Society for Parasitology President's Medal in April 2023. Between ​2020 and 2023 I was a Member of the World Health Organisation NTD-​STAG Working Group between 2020 and 2023. I am a member of the Viral ​Zoonosis Research Group at Helsinki University.

Researcher unique ​identifier:

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