FarU Scientific Supervisors

Pharmacology and pharmacy

Baczek tomasz

Family name,

First name:



pharmacology and pharmacy


Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Faculty of Pharmacy

Medical University of Gdańsk

Research expertise ​(up to 100 words)

Main research interest comprises: Pharmaceutical analysis; Biomedical ​analysis; Separation sciences; Chromatography; Electrophoresis; ​Proteomics; Metabolomics; Chemometrics; Biopharmaceutics and ​Pharmacokinetics; Medicinal chemistry; Drugs; 3D printing

Keywords (3 to 5)

Chemistry; Pharmacy; Separation sciences; Materials science

Scientific ​achievements:

Author and co-author of more than 290 original papers (March 2024: ​the overall IF > 890) (citations according to Google Scholar > 5800 with ​h-index = 39).

Researcher unique ​identifier:

URL for web site:

JamrOgiewicz Marzena

Family name,

First name:



pharmacology and pharmacy


Medical University of Gdansk

Research expertise ​(up to 100 words)

The scientific work concerns on the study of the chemical and ​photochemical stability of medicinal compounds and products, the ​identification of degradation products, determination of chemical ​changes. Interests concern interactions, degradation, influence of ​different ingredients and factors. Analytical methods used: FTIR, NIR, ​ATR/FTIR, DSC, microscope.

Keywords (3 to 5)

spectroscopy (FTIR, NIR, UV-Vis), DSC (Cp), photostability, Suntest ​CPS+

Scientific ​achievements:

Jamrógiewicz M., Pieńkowska K. Recent breakthroughs in the stability ​testing of pharmaceutical compounds, Tr.AC. 111, 2019,118-127, Author ​of ca. 160 published peer-reviewed publications. He was invited ​lecturer during international symposia and conferences (more than ​20). He has coordinated/participated in several research projects ​founded by Polish and international institutions over the past 10 ​years in metabolomics, pharmaceutical analysis and analytical ​chemistry (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trac.2018.12.007). Later, as of early ​September 2019, regulatory authorities have announced that ​ranitidine-containing medications are contaminated with ​unacceptable levels of NDMA.

Researcher unique ​identifier:

URL for web site:

KonieczyNski pawel

Family name,

First name:



pharmacology and pharmacy


Medical University of Gdańsk

Faculty of Pharmacy

Department of Analytical Chemistry

Research expertise ​(up to 100 words)

I work as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Analytical ​Chemistry of the Faculty of Pharmacy in the Medical University of ​Gdansk, Poland. My research interest is focused in analysis of ​essential elements and organic compounds in medicinal plants and in ​herbal drugs, as well as elements in biological fluids. My international ​scientific cooperation includes such institutions as Vilnius University ​(Lithuania), Danylo Halytskyi National Medical University in Lviv ​(Ukraine), Porto University (Portugal), Sao Carlos Federal University ​(Brazil), and Technical University of Manabi (Ecuador).

Keywords (3 to 5)

Chemical composition, medicinal plants, Instrumental methods, ​chemometrics

Scientific ​achievements:

Author or co-author of more than 50 scientific publications. Total ​impact factor of the published papers is 73.353, h-index is 13. ​International scholarship for the citizens of Eastern-Central Europe ​in Padua University, Italy; 2 x scholarship from DAAD in ISAS in ​Dortmund, Germany. Topics of the research: analysis of the chemical ​forms of elements in natural drugs, interactions of organic ​compounds with elements, chemometrics.

Researcher unique ​identifier:

URL for web site:

markuszewski Michal

Family name,

First name:



pharmacology and pharmacy


Dept. of Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacodynamics

Medical University of Gdansk

Research expertise ​(up to 100 words)

His scientific interest comprises metabolomics, cancer biomarkers, ​pharmacokinetics, application of separation techniques for ​pharmaceutical analysis (LC-MS, GC-MS, CE-MS) and bioinformatics.

Keywords (3 to 5)

Metabolomics, bioanalytics, pharmacokinetics

Scientific ​achievements:

Author of ca. 160 published peer-reviewed publications. He was invited ​lecturer during international symposia and conferences (more than ​20). He has coordinated/participated in several research projects ​founded by Polish and international institutions over the past 10 years ​in metabolomics, pharmaceutical analysis and analytical chemistry.

Researcher unique ​identifier:

URL for web site:

SZnitowska malgorzata

Family name,

First name:



pharmacology and pharmacy


Department of Pharmaceutical Technology

Medical University of Gdansk

Research expertise ​(up to 100 words)

Prof. M. Sznitowska is an expert in pharmaceutical technology, ​biopharmacy and pharmaceutical practice. Her actual fields of ​research are submicron emulsions and lipid microspheres, self-​emulsifying oils, dermal patches, orodispersible films, minitablets, ​enteric formulations. She closely cooperates with pharmaceutical ​industry in Poland.

Keywords (3 to 5)

drug delivery systems, pharmaceutical technology, biopharmacy

Scientific ​achievements:

supervisor of 24 completed PhD theses - more than 200 research ​articles and is a co-author of 5 patents - an author and editor of ​textbooks: on pharmaceutical technology and on biopharmacy - ​citations >900, index h 21, IF >180

Researcher unique ​identifier:

URL for web site:

waleron krzysztof

Family name,

First name:

WALERON Krzysztof


pharmacology and pharmacy


Faculty of Pharmacy Medical University of Gdańsk

Research expertise ​(up to 100 words)

Studies of edible Arthrospira cyanobacteria and their probiotic ​significance. Research on interactions between bacteria and plants. ​Studies on the influence of extracellular vesicles of probiotic bacteria ​on the functioning of the host organism. The use of bacterial ​membrane vesicles as an antigen carrier. Feces as a matrix for omics ​analyses. Microbiome and metabolome of the gastrointestinal tract.

Keywords (3 to 5)

Cyanobacteria, probiotics, extracelular vesicles, Pectobacterium, ​genomics, culturomics, antimicrobial resistance

Scientific ​achievements:

Publications in the field of molecular taxonomy of cyanobacteria, ​genomics and phylogenomics of microorganisms. Description of new ​microbial taxa. Comparative genomics of edible cyanobacteria of the ​genus Arthrospira. Isolation and characterization of bacterial ​membrane vesicles.

Researcher unique ​identifier:

URL for web site:


Family name,

First name:



pharmacology and pharmacy


Medical University of Gdańsk

Research expertise ​(up to 100 words)

Current research focuses on developing tools for assessing human ​exposure to xenobiotics aiming at toxicological health risk ​assessment. Areas of expertise: (Bio)analytical method development, ​toxicological risk assessment, gas chromatography, liquid ​chromatography, mass spectrometry, sample preparation techniques ​(incl. miniaturized approaches, ecotoxicology of pharmaceuticals, ​bioremediation.

Keywords (3 to 5)

human biomonitoring; sample preparation; toxicological analysis

Scientific ​achievements:

Author and co-author of over 65 original papers cited > 1300 times, H-​index - 23. Supervisor of 2 finalized PhD theses and 3 in progress.

Researcher unique ​identifier:

URL for web site:

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