FarU Scientific Supervisors

Physical sciences

Mahlik Sebastian

Family name,

First name:

MAHLIK Sebastian


physical sciences


Condensed Matter Spectroscopy Division

Institute of Experimental Physics

Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics

University of Gdansk

Research expertise ​(up to 100 words)

Our research interests cover a wide range of condensed-phase ​spectroscopy problems, including various areas of solid-state physics, ​photophysics, and photochemistry. The scientific experience ​concerns the synthesis and experimental analysis of optoelectronic ​and phosphor materials, especially dielectric lattices doped with ​lanthanide and transition metal ions. Our experimental work focuses ​on optical spectroscopy at extreme conditions such as high ​hydrostatic pressure and low temperatures.

Keywords (3 to 5)

spectroscopy, high pressure, lanthanide ions, transition metal ions, ​phosphors

Scientific ​achievements:

Our scientific achievements involve determining the energetic ​structure and characteristics of radiative and non-radiative ​transitions in new luminescent materials using high-pressure and ​time-resolved spectroscopy.

Researcher unique ​identifier:

URL for web site:

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