FarU Scientific Supervisors


piotrowski grzegorz

Family name,

First name:





Institute of Sociology

University of Gdańsk

Research expertise ​(up to 100 words)

Grzegorz Piotrowski is a sociologist and cultural anthropologist. He has ​a doctorate from the European University Institute in Florence and has ​been researching social movements for more than a dozen years. He is ​the author of several books and edited volumes, as well as more than ​a dozen scientific articles on social activism in Poland and Central ​Europe. At the University of Gdansk, he teaches subjects related to ​social movements, social engagement and civil society.

Keywords (3 to 5)

Social Movements, Feminism, antifascism, democracy

Scientific ​achievements:

September 2022 - August 2025 - national case leader within the ​Horizon Europe project FIERCE - Feminist Movements Revitalizing ​Democracy in Europe, grant no. 101061748 14/01/2021 - 13/01/2024 - ​principal investigator and project leader in the project ‘Political ​activism of Poles in the United Kingdom’ financed by NCN

Researcher unique ​identifier:

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