FarU Scientific Supervisors

Physical sciences

mozejko pawel

Family name,

First name:



physical sciences


Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics

Gdańsk University of Technology

Research expertise ​(up to 100 words)

My scientific work is related to the study of phenomena occurring in ​the scattering of low-energy electrons on molecules. In particular, I ​take measurements of total cross section for low-energy electron ​scattering from molecular targets. My area of interest also includes: ​scattering theory, as well as electron-impact ionization of molecules, ​see e.g.: Cz. Szmytkowski and P. Możejko "Recent total cross section ​measurements in electron scattering from molecules" EPJ D 74 (2020) ​90

Keywords (3 to 5)

electron-molecule scattering; electron-impact ionization, total cross ​section, electron spectrometers, quantum scattering theory

Scientific ​achievements:

Precise measurements of total electron scattering cross-sections for ​many molecular targets of technological, astrochemical and biological ​interest - observation of fluorination and methylation effects in ​electron-molecule collisions - calculations of elastic and ionization ​cross section for electron scattering on DNA and RNA molecular ​compounds

Researcher unique ​identifier:

URL for web site:

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