FarU Scientific Supervisors

Biological sciences

Kutryb-Zajac barbara

Family name,

First name:



biological sciences


Department of Biochemistry

Medical University of Gdansk

Research expertise ​(up to 100 words)

My research on the pathobiology of endothelium uses models such as ​cell cultures, animal models, and clinical material obtained after heart ​transplantation or heart valve replacement procedures. In these ​studies, I use following techniques: light microscopy, fluorescence ​microscopy, flow cytometry, RT-PCR, liquid chromatography and mass ​spectrometry.

Keywords (3 to 5)

vascular biology, endothelium, nucleotides, enzymology

Scientific ​achievements:

My most important research achievement is related to understanding ​mechanisms of the endothelial injury and dysfunction in civilization ​diseases. I developed Biochemical Analyses and Imaging Laboratory at ​Department of Biochemistry, MUG. My work has been repeatedly ​awarded by national and international scientific institutions.

Researcher unique ​identifier:

URL for web site:

Mieczkowski Jakub

Family name,

First name:



biological sciences


Medical University of Gdansk

Research expertise ​(up to 100 words)

I am a mathematician by education and I have been analyzing ​transcriptomic data for over 15 years. I did my postdoctoral internship ​at Harvard University, where I learned how to analyze epigenetic data. ​My research group specializes in the analysis of multi-omics data, ​including at the single-cell level.

Keywords (3 to 5)

single-cell, transcriptomics, epigenetics, ML

Scientific ​achievements:

Leszczynska et al. Cell Reports 2024 Ochocka et al. Nature ​Communication 2021 Stepniak et al. Nature Communication 2021 ​Mieczkowski et al. Nature Communication 2016

Researcher unique ​identifier:

URL for web site:

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